Riot and rebellion by Professor John Beckett



Correspondence in HO/42 at the Home Office, now in the National Archives at Kew, covers the 1790s-1815/16. A microfilm copy is available in Nottingham University Library.

Political activities are best studied through newspaper reports. Nottingham Local Studies Library has a full collection of local newspapers, mainly on microfilm, available for consultation at Angel Row Library, Nottingham.

Nottinghamshire Archives also has a first hand account of the some of the activities of the Reform Bill rioters en route to the Beeston Silk Mill on 11 October 1831: DD 523

Also Nottinghamshire Archives CA/3990 1/3, 1/5, 1/11, 1/24 and 1/27 September 1800, all concerning flour riots in and around Nottingham


Diaries in Nottinghamshire Archives, particularly that of Samuel Collinson who describes events in 1861 and 1865. William Parsons’ diaries in Nottingham University Manuscripts Department also include some material on these elections.